Tao Siqi 陶斯祺
Tentacles 触手, 2021
oil on canvas 布面油画
30 x 24 cm
12 x 9 1/2 in
12 x 9 1/2 in
隐秘的欲望 章鱼、乌贼的触手,被弗洛伊德视为生殖器的象征。它温暖而潮湿,充满生殖能量,令人不安;在幻想中,蠕动的、柔软的触手钻入赤裸的身体,仿佛隐秘的欲望被窥视了,带来一种危险而魅惑的快感。而情欲本身,也常常是恐惧的一个出口。——陶斯祺 Deep, Secret Desires Sigmund Freud is said to have associated tentacles of octopus and squid to genitalia - warm and moist, full of reproductive energy, unsettling. Imaginary soft...
Deep, Secret Desires
Sigmund Freud is said to have associated tentacles of octopus and squid to genitalia - warm and moist, full of reproductive energy, unsettling. Imaginary soft and wriggling tentacles burrow into the naked body; one feels as if the deepest desires are exposed, but is at the same time cradled by a wave of pleasure of danger and temptation. Lust is often an outlet for fear. - Tao Siqi
Deep, Secret Desires
Sigmund Freud is said to have associated tentacles of octopus and squid to genitalia - warm and moist, full of reproductive energy, unsettling. Imaginary soft and wriggling tentacles burrow into the naked body; one feels as if the deepest desires are exposed, but is at the same time cradled by a wave of pleasure of danger and temptation. Lust is often an outlet for fear. - Tao Siqi