Alice Wang 王凝慧
Untitled 无题, 2017
mimosa pudica 含羞草
dimensions variable 尺寸可变
flower pot dimension 盆栽架尺寸: 120 x 90 x 90 cm; 47 x 35 1/2 x 35 1/2 in
flower pot dimension 盆栽架尺寸: 120 x 90 x 90 cm; 47 x 35 1/2 x 35 1/2 in
Unitled, 2017 consists of a pot of mimosa pudica. The mimosa pudica is a plant often grown for one curious property: the leaves curl inward or droop when they are...
Unitled, 2017 consists of a pot of mimosa pudica. The mimosa pudica is a plant often grown for one curious property: the leaves curl inward or droop when they are touched or shaken, shielding themselves from damage only to re-open minutes later. The viewer is immediately over-whelmed by a feeling of derailment: is it sufficient to visually enjoy this lavish spectacle or it is necessary to physically participate in it in some way, possibly and ideally with the touch of one’s fingers? Is it a living sculpture endowed with consciousness or is it the viewer who, by awakening his own consciousness, not only witnesses a small natural wonder, but can even become an active part of it, according to how he positions himself spatially and mentally? The piece questions what acting as an alert being actually means. The rather unique feeling of self-awareness that characterizes this humanized plant co-exists with the mixed reactions of the viewer, who may feel uncertain if a trick is being played on him (will something else happen?) or may just mechanically ignore changes that are too minimal for a fast eye that often confuses subtlety with nothingness.