Jiang Li 蒋立
Seven Sticks 七根, 2020
aluminum, oil ink 铝、油墨
29 x 22 x 4 cm
This work depicts the ancestors hunting scenes, prehistoric murals often appear in such a theme. The male genital is listed in the upper right-hand corner, as if it had been...
This work depicts the ancestors hunting scenes, prehistoric murals often appear in such a theme. The male genital is listed in the upper right-hand corner, as if it had been collected, rather than in the right position as in an ancient painting. Some of the characters come from Da Vinci’s manuscripts, and some come from the artist himself.
《七根》 描绘了祖先狩猎的场景,史前壁画经常出现这样的题材。而这件作品中,“男根”或者"且”这件东西被罗列在了右上角,像是被收集了起来,并没有像古画那样出现在“正确”的位置。人物形象有的来自达芬奇手稿,有的来自艺术家本人。
《七根》 描绘了祖先狩猎的场景,史前壁画经常出现这样的题材。而这件作品中,“男根”或者"且”这件东西被罗列在了右上角,像是被收集了起来,并没有像古画那样出现在“正确”的位置。人物形象有的来自达芬奇手稿,有的来自艺术家本人。