Douglas Rieger 道格拉斯·莱杰
Cigarettes 香烟, 2021
wood, upholstery foam, vinyl, steel, epoxy, magnets, iron shavings, rubber gaskets, and paint 木材,室内装饰泡沫,乙烯基,钢,环氧树脂,磁铁,铁屑,橡胶垫圈,颜料
85.7 x 75.6 x 27.9 cm
33 3/4 x 29 3/4 x 11 in
33 3/4 x 29 3/4 x 11 in
Further images
Each of Douglas Rieger's works is a short visual poem about a personal feeling or relationship, imagined or real, in memory of a fleeting moment in everyday life. Cigarettes is inspired by scenes...
Each of Douglas Rieger's works is a short visual poem about a personal feeling or relationship, imagined or real, in memory of a fleeting moment in everyday life. Cigarettes is inspired by scenes of handing out or receiving cigarettes from friends outside a bar.