Feng Chen 冯晨
The Darker Side of Light 光的背面, 2017
arduino, servomotor, aluminum blinds 控制器,舵机,铝制百叶窗
dimension variable 尺寸可变
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'The Darker Side of Light' is an installation that can be realized site-specifically and combines flickering blinds activated by a device controlled by sound. The installation regulates the flow of...
'The Darker Side of Light' is an installation that can be realized site-specifically and combines flickering blinds activated by a device controlled by sound. The installation regulates the flow of natural light into the room, sculpting space with rhythmic movement.
2020• Liste Basel Showtime (Art Fair) - online solo presentation 瑞士巴塞尔Liste博览会 - 线上个人项目
• Encounter, Shanghai Urban Space Art Season (SUSAS), Shanghai, China 相遇,上海城市空间艺术季,中国上海
• Shenzhen New Media Art Festival, Pingshan Cultural Center Exhibition Gallery, Shenzhen, China 深圳新媒体艺术节,深圳坪山文化聚落展览馆,中国深圳
• As We May Think: Feedforward - The 6th Guangzhou Triennial 2018, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China 广州三年展-诚如所思:加速的未来,广东美术馆,中国广州
• City Unbounded - Shanghai Jing'an International Sculpture Project, Shanghai, China 城市无界-静安国际雕塑展,静安雕塑公园,中国上海
• Presence - In the Name of New Media Art, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China 在场-青年艺术家邀请展 | 以新媒体艺术的名义,杭州中国美术学院,中国杭州
• Huayu Youth Award, Huayu Art Center, Sanya, China 华宇青年奖, 华宇艺术中心, 中国三亚
• Feng Chen Solo Show, Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai, China 冯晨个展,胶囊上海,中国上海