Tao Siqi 陶斯祺
Snare 陷阱, 2025
oil on canvas 布面油画
25 x 30 cm
10 x 12 in
10 x 12 in
Tao Siqi's paintings are rooted in her fascination with the body and flesh as a medium of sensibility and sexuality. She delves into desire of all forms through her intense...
Tao Siqi's paintings are rooted in her fascination with the body and flesh as a medium of sensibility and sexuality. She delves into desire of all forms through her intense colors, delicate brushstrokes and characteristic close-up perspective. By creating a tension between beauty and destruction, tenderness and violence, temptation and taboo, her surreal scenes inspire a provocative viewing experience and conjure emotional unease, flickering between pleasure and pain.
Tao Siqi was born in Wuhan, Hubei province, China in 1994, and currently lives and works in Shanghai. She graduated from Hubei Institute of Fine Art with a BA in painting in 2016. Her solo exhibitions include "Trembling" at Fortnight Institute (New York, USA, 2022), "Deep Water" at Clima (Milan, Italy, 2022), "Tender Thorns" at Capsule Shanghai (Shanghai, China, 2021) and "Transient" at chi K11 Art Space (Wuhan, China, 2015). Her group exhibitions include "Games People Play" (Nathalie Karg Gallery, New York, USA, 2024), "Deep! Down! Inside!" (Hales Gallery, New York, USA, 2023) , "F*ck Art: The Body & Its Absence" (Museum of Sex, New York, USA, 2022), "Notes on Ecstatic Unity" (OTP Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022), "Mouthed Echoes" (Lyles & King, New York, USA, 2022), "Indoor Weather", curated by Lu Xiangyi and Wang Shiying (Light Palette Through Time and Space - 2022 Caochangdi Young Artists Group Exhibition, Beijing, China, 2022), "Nine Lives" (Fortnight Institute, New York, USA, 2021), "IMPORT-EXPORT" (Import Export Project, Locarno, Switzerland, 2019), "Right Behind Your Eyes", curated by Sarah Faux (Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2019), "The Apple Incident" (Dream Co., Beijing, China, 2018), "On Drawing: Visibility of Power" curated by Lu Mingjun (J: Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2017) and "Chūn rì dì xìan" (RS_PROJECTS, Wuhan, China, 2016) among others.
陶斯祺于1994年出生于中国湖北武汉,现工作生活于上海。她于2016年毕业于湖北美术学院油画系,获学士学位。她的个人展览包括 "Trembling", Fortnight Institute,美国纽约 (2022);"Deep Water",Clima, 意大利米兰(2022);"嫩刺",胶囊上海,中国上海(2021)和 "暂存",chi K11 艺术空间,中国武汉(2015)。群展包括 "Games People Play",Nathalie Karg Gallery,美国纽约(2024);"Deep! Down! Inside!",由莎拉·福克斯策展,Hales Gallery,美国纽约(2023);"F*ck Art: The Body & Its Absence",性博物馆,美国纽约(2022);"Notes on Ecstatic Unity",OTP Copenhagen, 丹麦哥本哈根(2022);"Mouthed Echoes", Lyles & King画廊,美国纽约(2022);"闲有闲时多云到阴",由陆向怡和王诗颖策展,穿越时空的调色板--2022草场地青年艺术家群展,设计之春·北京草场地艺术生活示范区先生活设计,中国北京(2022);"Nine Lives", Fortnight Institute 画廊,美国纽约(2021);"IMPORT-EXPORT/输入-输出",IMPORT EXPORT PROJECT,瑞士洛迦诺(2019);"匿于眼后"(由莎拉·福克斯策展),胶囊上海,中国上海(2019);"苹果序曲",梦办,中国北京(2018);"力的能见度"(由鲁明军策展),J: GALLERY,中国上海(2017);"春日地陷",RS_PROJECTS,中国武汉(2016)等。
Tao Siqi was born in Wuhan, Hubei province, China in 1994, and currently lives and works in Shanghai. She graduated from Hubei Institute of Fine Art with a BA in painting in 2016. Her solo exhibitions include "Trembling" at Fortnight Institute (New York, USA, 2022), "Deep Water" at Clima (Milan, Italy, 2022), "Tender Thorns" at Capsule Shanghai (Shanghai, China, 2021) and "Transient" at chi K11 Art Space (Wuhan, China, 2015). Her group exhibitions include "Games People Play" (Nathalie Karg Gallery, New York, USA, 2024), "Deep! Down! Inside!" (Hales Gallery, New York, USA, 2023) , "F*ck Art: The Body & Its Absence" (Museum of Sex, New York, USA, 2022), "Notes on Ecstatic Unity" (OTP Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022), "Mouthed Echoes" (Lyles & King, New York, USA, 2022), "Indoor Weather", curated by Lu Xiangyi and Wang Shiying (Light Palette Through Time and Space - 2022 Caochangdi Young Artists Group Exhibition, Beijing, China, 2022), "Nine Lives" (Fortnight Institute, New York, USA, 2021), "IMPORT-EXPORT" (Import Export Project, Locarno, Switzerland, 2019), "Right Behind Your Eyes", curated by Sarah Faux (Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2019), "The Apple Incident" (Dream Co., Beijing, China, 2018), "On Drawing: Visibility of Power" curated by Lu Mingjun (J: Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2017) and "Chūn rì dì xìan" (RS_PROJECTS, Wuhan, China, 2016) among others.
陶斯祺于1994年出生于中国湖北武汉,现工作生活于上海。她于2016年毕业于湖北美术学院油画系,获学士学位。她的个人展览包括 "Trembling", Fortnight Institute,美国纽约 (2022);"Deep Water",Clima, 意大利米兰(2022);"嫩刺",胶囊上海,中国上海(2021)和 "暂存",chi K11 艺术空间,中国武汉(2015)。群展包括 "Games People Play",Nathalie Karg Gallery,美国纽约(2024);"Deep! Down! Inside!",由莎拉·福克斯策展,Hales Gallery,美国纽约(2023);"F*ck Art: The Body & Its Absence",性博物馆,美国纽约(2022);"Notes on Ecstatic Unity",OTP Copenhagen, 丹麦哥本哈根(2022);"Mouthed Echoes", Lyles & King画廊,美国纽约(2022);"闲有闲时多云到阴",由陆向怡和王诗颖策展,穿越时空的调色板--2022草场地青年艺术家群展,设计之春·北京草场地艺术生活示范区先生活设计,中国北京(2022);"Nine Lives", Fortnight Institute 画廊,美国纽约(2021);"IMPORT-EXPORT/输入-输出",IMPORT EXPORT PROJECT,瑞士洛迦诺(2019);"匿于眼后"(由莎拉·福克斯策展),胶囊上海,中国上海(2019);"苹果序曲",梦办,中国北京(2018);"力的能见度"(由鲁明军策展),J: GALLERY,中国上海(2017);"春日地陷",RS_PROJECTS,中国武汉(2016)等。