Alessandro Teoldi 亚历山德罗·泰尔迪
Bottiglie 瓶, 2024
oil, charcoal, ink, fabric and linen collage mounted on linen 油画、炭笔、墨水,织物和亚麻拼贴覆于亚麻布上
25.4 x 25.4 cm
10 x 10 in
10 x 10 in
'Bottiglie' (2024) by Alessandro Teoldi is a mixed-media work that blends oil, charcoal, ink, fabric, and linen collage, mounted on linen. The piece features five bottles, each depicted using a...
"Bottiglie" (2024) by Alessandro Teoldi is a mixed-media work that blends oil, charcoal, ink, fabric, and linen collage, mounted on linen. The piece features five bottles, each depicted using a collage technique that layers different gradations of colors and textures, and combining various materials, with each one rendered in a unique arrangement of hues, tones, and surface qualities. The work pays homage to the genre of still life, drawing a direct connection to the tradition of artists like Giorgio Morandi, whose quiet, contemplative still lifes have influenced generations. The layers of fabric and linen in the collage further enhance the tactile quality of the piece, offering a new perspective on the everyday.
Alessandro Teoldi, born in 1987 in Milan, Italy, is currently based in New York. He earned his MFA in Photographic Studies from ICP-Bard College in 2013 and a BFA in Photography from IED - Istituto Europeo di Design in 2009. Teoldi’s multidisciplinary practice includes textiles, sculpture, drawing, and installation, exploring themes of connection, memory, intimacy, and queer desire. He often repurposes materials like airline blankets, stones, and cement, transforming them into new narratives that engage with their histories. His work has been showcased in various exhibitions, such as “Dopo la pioggia” at Marinaro in New York (2025), “Dipinti” at Capsule Venice in Italy (2024), “Looking Back” at Capsule Shanghai in China (2023), Ceramics Museum of Savona in Italy (2024), the Flag Art Foundation in New York (2021) and Magazzino Italian Art in New York (2020).
《瓶》(2024)是亚历山德罗·泰尔迪创作的一件综合媒材作品,巧妙融合了油画、木炭、墨水、布料和亚麻拼贴,并装裱于亚麻布上。作品描绘了五个瓶子,通过拼贴技法将不同的材质和色彩层层叠加。每个瓶子以独特的色调、质感和光影效果呈现,形成丰富而生动的视觉语言。泰尔迪的这件作品向静物画的经典传统致敬,同时与乔治奥·莫兰迪(Giorgio Morandi)的作品形成呼应。莫兰迪以其宁静而富有冥想意味的静物作品影响了无数艺术家,而泰尔迪则在这种传统中融入了当代视角。作品中的布料与亚麻拼贴增强了画面的层次感和肌理质感,为画面注入温暖和生命力,并赋予日常物件新的视角与诠释。
亚历山德罗·泰尔迪 (Alessandro Teoldi) 1987年生于意大利米兰,目前生活和创作于纽约。他于2013年获得ICP-巴德学院 (ICP-Bard College) 摄影研究硕士学位,并于2009年毕业于IED欧洲设计学院 (Istituto Europeo di Design),获得摄影艺术学士学位。泰尔迪的创作实践横跨纺织、雕塑、素描和装置艺术,深入探讨联结、记忆、亲密关系以及酷儿渴望等主题。他常常将航空毛毯、石头和水泥等材料赋予新生,转化为承载历史与情感的叙事,让观者感受到物件背后的故事。他的作品曾在多个重要展览中亮相,包括2025年于纽约Marinaro画廊举办的《Dopo la pioggia》,2024年于意大利威尼斯在Capsule Venice呈现的《Dipinti》,2023年于中国上海Capsule Shanghai展出的《Looking Back》,以及2024年在义大利萨沃纳陶瓷博物馆的展览。此外,他的作品还曾于2021年在纽约Flag Art Foundation和2020年于纽约Magazzino Italian Art展出。
Alessandro Teoldi, born in 1987 in Milan, Italy, is currently based in New York. He earned his MFA in Photographic Studies from ICP-Bard College in 2013 and a BFA in Photography from IED - Istituto Europeo di Design in 2009. Teoldi’s multidisciplinary practice includes textiles, sculpture, drawing, and installation, exploring themes of connection, memory, intimacy, and queer desire. He often repurposes materials like airline blankets, stones, and cement, transforming them into new narratives that engage with their histories. His work has been showcased in various exhibitions, such as “Dopo la pioggia” at Marinaro in New York (2025), “Dipinti” at Capsule Venice in Italy (2024), “Looking Back” at Capsule Shanghai in China (2023), Ceramics Museum of Savona in Italy (2024), the Flag Art Foundation in New York (2021) and Magazzino Italian Art in New York (2020).
《瓶》(2024)是亚历山德罗·泰尔迪创作的一件综合媒材作品,巧妙融合了油画、木炭、墨水、布料和亚麻拼贴,并装裱于亚麻布上。作品描绘了五个瓶子,通过拼贴技法将不同的材质和色彩层层叠加。每个瓶子以独特的色调、质感和光影效果呈现,形成丰富而生动的视觉语言。泰尔迪的这件作品向静物画的经典传统致敬,同时与乔治奥·莫兰迪(Giorgio Morandi)的作品形成呼应。莫兰迪以其宁静而富有冥想意味的静物作品影响了无数艺术家,而泰尔迪则在这种传统中融入了当代视角。作品中的布料与亚麻拼贴增强了画面的层次感和肌理质感,为画面注入温暖和生命力,并赋予日常物件新的视角与诠释。
亚历山德罗·泰尔迪 (Alessandro Teoldi) 1987年生于意大利米兰,目前生活和创作于纽约。他于2013年获得ICP-巴德学院 (ICP-Bard College) 摄影研究硕士学位,并于2009年毕业于IED欧洲设计学院 (Istituto Europeo di Design),获得摄影艺术学士学位。泰尔迪的创作实践横跨纺织、雕塑、素描和装置艺术,深入探讨联结、记忆、亲密关系以及酷儿渴望等主题。他常常将航空毛毯、石头和水泥等材料赋予新生,转化为承载历史与情感的叙事,让观者感受到物件背后的故事。他的作品曾在多个重要展览中亮相,包括2025年于纽约Marinaro画廊举办的《Dopo la pioggia》,2024年于意大利威尼斯在Capsule Venice呈现的《Dipinti》,2023年于中国上海Capsule Shanghai展出的《Looking Back》,以及2024年在义大利萨沃纳陶瓷博物馆的展览。此外,他的作品还曾于2021年在纽约Flag Art Foundation和2020年于纽约Magazzino Italian Art展出。