Alice Wang 王凝慧
Untitled 无题, 2017
iron meteorite 铁陨石
30.5 x 8.9 x 8.9 cm
12 x 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 in
12 x 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 in
《无题》(2017)是用铁陨石制作的挂壁雕塑。铁是恒星之毒。当一颗恒星进入生命周期尾声时,它开始膨胀并产生更复杂、更重的元素,并变成一颗白矮星。一旦它开始产生铁,这颗恒星就会爆炸,形成一颗超新星。 Iron meteorite wall sculpture. Iron is the poison of stars. When a star is dying, it begins to expand and produce more complex and heavier elements, and turns into...
Iron meteorite wall sculpture. Iron is the poison of stars. When a star is dying, it begins to expand and produce more complex and heavier elements, and turns into a white dwarf. Once it starts to produce Iron, the star will explode — creating a supernova.
Iron meteorite wall sculpture. Iron is the poison of stars. When a star is dying, it begins to expand and produce more complex and heavier elements, and turns into a white dwarf. Once it starts to produce Iron, the star will explode — creating a supernova.
2021The Culture China · The 4th Overseas Artists Invitational Exhibition: "In Working: Women in Art Practise", He Xiangning Museum, Shenzhen, China