Alice Wang 王凝慧
Untitled 无题, 2014
HD video on monitor 显示屏播放高清录像
2-minute loop with sound 2分钟循环,有声
Edition of 5 plus 2 AP 5版2AP
Wang’s experience as a Chinese national growing up between Canada and the US and studying Computer Science and International Relations paired with her MFA in Art has undoubtedly influenced her...
Wang’s experience as a Chinese national growing up between Canada and the US and studying Computer Science and International Relations paired with her MFA in Art has undoubtedly influenced her approach to video-making. Wang’s earlier video works have a distinctive research-based and autobiographical approach, such as The Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness in which uses self-recorded and existing footage to investigate the process of encoding, storing and retrieving personal and historical memories. On the other hand, in Untitled, 2014 the artist approached video from a different perspective by incorporating performers. The setting is a shadowy and reflective dance studio where people are positioned in the inversion yoga pose. The video puts the viewer off-balance since the footage itself has also been inverted in postproduction. The faces of the performers express the strain of their physical exertion and the release of tennis balls bouncing on the floor brings us back to the actual tangible burden of gravity. As the artist points out: “Inversions are fascinating because of gravity. Evolution has made us bipedal and we are in the vulnerable position of having our head, which is the heaviest part of our body, encumbered on our spine. Inversion is supposed to realign the spine and our internal organs. On the inside of our bodies there is a whole other universe that we cannot see but it’s our internal organs that keep us alive.”