王凝慧|个展 “We Are Extraterrestrial” @ 文森特•普莱斯艺术博物馆

胶囊上海愉快地宣布王凝慧的个展“We Are Extraterrestrial”,于2024年5月4日在美国蒙特雷帕克的文森特•普莱斯艺术博物馆开幕,展览持续至2024年8月3日。

In her first solo museum exhibition in the US, We Are Extraterrestrial, Alice Wang showcases recent prints, glass sculptures, and newly commissioned ceramic sculptures, film, and an artist book that reflect the artist’s deep curiosity for the space between the real and the imaginary. Wang employs a post-minimalist approach to expand material boundaries and explore medium specificity. Wang's new sculptural works, realized in collaboration with East Los Angeles College's Art Department, explore hexagon shapes found in volcanic sites and molecular structures and experiment with scale and perception.