Sarah Faux 莎拉·福克斯
More 更多, 2022
oil on canvas 布面油画
55.9 x 50.8 cm
22 x 20 in
22 x 20 in
Sarah Faux’s paintings uniquely blend figuration and abstraction, dissolving bodies into fluid gestures and sensuous color fields that hover between recognition and ambiguity. “More” (2022) is a painting created in...
Sarah Faux’s paintings uniquely blend figuration and abstraction, dissolving bodies into fluid gestures and sensuous color fields that hover between recognition and ambiguity. “More” (2022) is a painting created in a single, uninterrupted session—a one-shot piece driven by focus and immediacy. Faux's small paintings serve as fleeting glimpses of moments where the body spills beyond its own boundaries, defying containment. On this work, she was reflecting on excess, on the ever-present gap between desire and reality, and the way we constantly crave more—more sensuality, more pleasure, more color, more chaos. Our bodies, messy and unpredictable, accompany us through life in ways we cannot always control.
Sarah Faux has held solo exhibitions at Hales Gallery (NYC), M+B (Los Angeles), Capsule Shanghai (Shanghai), and Stems Gallery (Brussels), among others. She has shown in numerous group exhibitions including at Her Clique (Lisbon), Sim Smith (London), Loyal Gallery (Stockholm), Althius Hofland Fine Arts (Amsterdam), Fredericks & Freiser (NYC), and The New York Studio School (NYC). Faux’s paintings have been written about in Artsy, Cultured Magazine, Modern Painters, Hyperallergic, i-D Vice, Lux, Surface and more. Faux has been the recipient of many residencies and grants, including a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant (2023), a Keyholder Fellowship at the Lower East Side Printshop, NYC (2018-19), artist residencies at Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY (2017, 2012) and the Yale School of Art’s Gloucester Painting Prize, Gloucester, MA (2014). Sarah Faux holds an MFA in Painting from Yale University and a joint BA/BFA from Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design. She was born in Boston, MA, and lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
莎拉·福克斯的绘画独特地融合了具象与抽象。她以流畅的笔触与感性的色彩,将画笔下塑造的身体溶解在形与意的边界之间,游离于清晰与混沌的状态之中。她的作品《更多》(More, 2022)是在一次不间断的绘画过程中完成的,一气呵成,充满专注与即时的能量。福克斯的小幅画作仿若对短暂瞬间的捕捉 —— 身体超越自身的边界,挣脱束缚,渗透至画面的每一寸肌理。在这幅作品中,她思考着“过度”的意义,探讨着欲望与现实之间永恒的落差,以及我们对“更多”的无尽渴求 —— 更多的感官刺激,更多的愉悦,更多的色彩,更多的混沌。我们的身体,杂乱而不可预测,以一种无法被掌握的姿态与我们同行于生命旅程之中。
莎拉·福克斯近期曾在纽约 Hales Gallery(纽约)、M+B(洛杉矶)、胶囊上海(上海) 和Stems Gallery(布鲁塞尔)等地举办个展。她的群展包括 Her Clique(里斯本)、Sim Smith(伦敦)、Loyal Gallery(斯德哥尔摩)、Althius Hofland Fine Arts(阿姆斯特丹)、Fredericks & Freiser(纽约)和The New York Studio School(纽约)。关于福克斯的报道在《Artsy》、《Cultured Magazine》、《Modern Painters》、《Hyperallergic》、《i-D Vice》、《Lux》、《Surface》等杂志上均有发表刊登。福克斯曾多次获得驻留和资助,包括Pollock-Krasner基金会(2023 年)、纽约市下东区版画工作室的 Keyholder Fellowship(2018-19 年)、纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯市 Yaddo 的艺术家驻留(2017 年、2012 年)以及耶鲁大学艺术学院的Gloucester绘画奖(2014 年)。莎拉-福克斯拥有耶鲁大学绘画艺术硕士学位,以及布朗大学和罗德岛设计学院的文科学士和艺术创作学士双学位。她出生于马萨诸塞州波士顿,在纽约布鲁克林生活和工作。
Sarah Faux has held solo exhibitions at Hales Gallery (NYC), M+B (Los Angeles), Capsule Shanghai (Shanghai), and Stems Gallery (Brussels), among others. She has shown in numerous group exhibitions including at Her Clique (Lisbon), Sim Smith (London), Loyal Gallery (Stockholm), Althius Hofland Fine Arts (Amsterdam), Fredericks & Freiser (NYC), and The New York Studio School (NYC). Faux’s paintings have been written about in Artsy, Cultured Magazine, Modern Painters, Hyperallergic, i-D Vice, Lux, Surface and more. Faux has been the recipient of many residencies and grants, including a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant (2023), a Keyholder Fellowship at the Lower East Side Printshop, NYC (2018-19), artist residencies at Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY (2017, 2012) and the Yale School of Art’s Gloucester Painting Prize, Gloucester, MA (2014). Sarah Faux holds an MFA in Painting from Yale University and a joint BA/BFA from Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design. She was born in Boston, MA, and lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
莎拉·福克斯的绘画独特地融合了具象与抽象。她以流畅的笔触与感性的色彩,将画笔下塑造的身体溶解在形与意的边界之间,游离于清晰与混沌的状态之中。她的作品《更多》(More, 2022)是在一次不间断的绘画过程中完成的,一气呵成,充满专注与即时的能量。福克斯的小幅画作仿若对短暂瞬间的捕捉 —— 身体超越自身的边界,挣脱束缚,渗透至画面的每一寸肌理。在这幅作品中,她思考着“过度”的意义,探讨着欲望与现实之间永恒的落差,以及我们对“更多”的无尽渴求 —— 更多的感官刺激,更多的愉悦,更多的色彩,更多的混沌。我们的身体,杂乱而不可预测,以一种无法被掌握的姿态与我们同行于生命旅程之中。
莎拉·福克斯近期曾在纽约 Hales Gallery(纽约)、M+B(洛杉矶)、胶囊上海(上海) 和Stems Gallery(布鲁塞尔)等地举办个展。她的群展包括 Her Clique(里斯本)、Sim Smith(伦敦)、Loyal Gallery(斯德哥尔摩)、Althius Hofland Fine Arts(阿姆斯特丹)、Fredericks & Freiser(纽约)和The New York Studio School(纽约)。关于福克斯的报道在《Artsy》、《Cultured Magazine》、《Modern Painters》、《Hyperallergic》、《i-D Vice》、《Lux》、《Surface》等杂志上均有发表刊登。福克斯曾多次获得驻留和资助,包括Pollock-Krasner基金会(2023 年)、纽约市下东区版画工作室的 Keyholder Fellowship(2018-19 年)、纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯市 Yaddo 的艺术家驻留(2017 年、2012 年)以及耶鲁大学艺术学院的Gloucester绘画奖(2014 年)。莎拉-福克斯拥有耶鲁大学绘画艺术硕士学位,以及布朗大学和罗德岛设计学院的文科学士和艺术创作学士双学位。她出生于马萨诸塞州波士顿,在纽约布鲁克林生活和工作。